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So You Want To Work At Camp Scully?
At Camp Scully, our carefully selected and comprehensively trained counselors ensure that every camper’s day is a safe, exciting and memorable one. Our staff have a special ability to help campers express themselves and build lasting friendships in an adventurous environment. They are caring and positive leaders whom the campers look up to and learn from throughout their stay at camp.
Camp Scully is not just about the activities. The camp is constructed around the skill and creativity of each counselor. Our staff play games, lead hikes, teach crafts, make up stories and learn something special about each child in their cabin. They guide them through the process of learning and mastering new skills, creating and maintaining positive peer relationships, and enjoying themselves outdoors. Here are some pictures of what they do. Camp has developed a Staff Handbook (2025 FORTHCOMING), full of information.
But is Camp right for me? Read on and see.
It’s not just the campers that make Camp Scully such a special summer camp for everyone. With great love, spirit, and generosity, the counselors and staff at Camp Scully have endowed our community with dedicated service and positive mentoring. There’s hardly an aspect of the Camp Scully lifestyle that has not been touched by the generations of truly remarkable people who have spent their summers (and some year-rounds) making Camp Scully the extraordinary place that it is.
A job at a summer camp gives you career skills in leadership, communications, public speaking, supervision, problem solving and decision making. Working at Camp Scully will more than likely be the most challenging and most rewarding job you have ever held. Where else could you have so many learning opportunities in an outdoor environment working with kids? Here are two short letters from Alex and Katie with their views on what working at Camp Scully meant to them.
Camp Scully Staff places the needs of children first and foremost. If you are a program staff person, you will spend your entire day with children. Here are some pictures of what you will be doing. You will develop life-long friendships, identify new strengths within yourself and make a difference in the life of a child. You will receive invaluable training and find that the experiences you have while working at camp will benefit you when looking for other jobs and applying to schools. Camp Scully Staff must be able to work the entire summer. Experience working with children is preferred, but not necessary. Staff are the key to success at our camp and each of our staff must have a unique mix of maturity, patience, enthusiasm, creativity, endurance, ingenuity, imagination and, above all, a genuine desire to work with a bunch of high-energy, lovable kids.
Where will I live at camp and what about bathrooms?
Cabin Counselors live in comfortable screened-in cabins with the campers, having a single bed and space for personal items. The cabins have power but no running water. Some leadership staff, day camp and non-cabin staff live in separate staff housing. A centrally located shower/bath house serves the campers and their counselors.
How do I know if I am right for camp?
Our staff thrives on having fun with children, being silly and fostering creativity. Being a camp counselor is hard work. At Camp Scully, we are looking for people who can share new ideas, teach with enthusiasm and enjoy building relationships with children. If you are not an expert in archery or kayaking, that’s okay! Your talents may lend themselves to one of our other activity programs.
Many of our staff return year after year as they have such a good time and really feel that they are making a difference in the lives of children. Read this letter from a veteran staff member to get his view on working at Camp Scully. Or this one from someone whose life was changed as a result of working at Camp Scully.
What about training and support?
Full Staff Orientation and Training is a very important period of time that lasts approximately eight days. During this time, returning staff can reconnect and new staff will be introduced to returning staff and each other. In the work that occurs to get the camp ready for campers, new staff will learn about their new surroundings and returning staff can share stories from past summers in order to pass on the culture of Camp Scully. All staff will learn new skills about the jobs they will perform and there will be team-building activities and opportunities to work and play together to build a cohesive, well-functioning team. If you need special workshops or certifications (CPR, First Aid, Life Guard) those would occur before the Full Staff Orientation. By the end of Orientation, returning staff will feel like they never left and new staff will feel like experienced Camp Scully staff members, ready to handle anything. Working well together as such a tremendous team will lay the foundation for our campers to have a terrific summer at camp!
What about time off?
You are always busy at camp, so some R&R is important. Cabin counselors have a free period each day that is built into the activity schedule. You can use the time to catch a nap, exercise, plan for an activity or program, read, or check that email. Cabin counselors enjoy two evenings off each week. Our lights-out curfew is 12:00 midnight; this means all counselors and staff should have their heads on their pillows for essential beauty sleep! All the campers leave on Friday evening and all staff are then off until Sunday morning. All staff are expected to participate in the camp program when not scheduled for time-off.
Can I make money doing this?
You can make GREAT money being a camp counselor! Our goal is to attract the best people to Camp Scully so we have positioned our salary scale to be very competitive in the industry. Counselors earn a seasonal base salary. Add-ons per week to the base salary are determined by your education, responsibilities, skills and experience. And remember, your housing, three meals a day, and laundry are provided. It is much easier to save your salary at camp than it is working at home or in your college town.
Can I earn credit for school?
There are many aspects of a counselor’s job that can provide the experience for an official internship, complete with college credits. We are happy to explore this possibility with you and to help tailor ideas that you can present to your college advisor. Camp Scully is committed to providing the observations, evaluations, and paperwork that may be required.
Will “Camp Counselor” look good on my resume?
Yes! Don’t be surprised if in future job interviews you talk more about your camp experience than any other job on your resume. Most business leaders understand and appreciate the challenge and value gained from being a camp counselor. They know that camp work teaches you to make good decisions, to think on your feet, and to work with others. These skills aren’t easy to develop in a typical office setting.